Currier Museum of Art

Making Our Mark

The Currier Museum of Art is an institution we deeply admire for its remarkable work and mission. However, our decision to take on this project was driven by a different impulse. It presented a unique opportunity for our studio at a crucial juncture—a chance to embrace the spirit of scrappy filmmakers once again.

After a series of large-scale productions and meticulously planned shoots, the prospect of working pro bono with the Currier felt like an open invitation rather than a limitation. It was an opportunity to defy conventions, take bold risks, and employ methods we had long shelved.

We wanted to ensure that everyone, including the client, got their hands dirty - and they were more than eager to pitch in as extras and production assistants!

Moreover, the museum's location in scenic New Hampshire, a five-hour road trip, added to the allure. It promised a road trip, a temporary home in a rental house, and a treasure trove of new memories in a stunning setting.


Director, Cinematographer: Everett Ravens
Producer: Victoria Barner
Production Support: Kacie Paganelli
1st AC: Beth Ribeiro
PA: Sam Tassey
Sound Mix: Bobby Lord


located in NYC.
available for hire, worldwide.


creative direction
film & video
special projects



located in NYC.
available for hire, worldwide.


creative direction
film & video
special projects
